Monday, October 6, 2008

Wyatt walks!!!

So Wyatt decided to start walking while we were back in Oregon! He just started with a few steps at a time and 3 days later he was off!!!!!!!!! And he is loving his new freedom. Not sure if I am loving it, just kidding, I am very proud..........he is doing very well. My life had definitely changed though, I can not take my eyes off of him for a second, oh well maybe I'll finally loose those stubborn last 10 lbs by chasing him all day long, HAHA!


~Kimberly said...

Oh I LOVE IT! He just doesn't seem like he should be walking already!!! Wasn't he just starting to crawl not too long ago?! Man does time fly!

Lois said...

Oh my gosh...too cute! He's so wobbly on this itty bitty legs, it's just adorable.